The National Council Licensure Examination or the NCLEX is a test that is administered for the licensing of nurses in America. If you are an aspiring nurse in the United States, you need to pass the NCLEX. A nurse who fails the NCLEX exam cannot practice his profession. This is why it is important for you to know a certain technique that can help you pass the NCLEX exam.
You might be tempted to read a lot of study materials in preparing for the NCLEX exam. This might be because you believe that this will help you in preparing better for the licensure test. The problem here is you are trying to amass a lot of information in such a limited time. This can lead you to overlook other important topics. You can also read just for the sake of reading without properly understanding what you are studying.
Are you starting to feel pressured now? Don't be! You can focus on reading just one or two references to help you prepare for the NCLEX exam. This will be enough if you know a great technique in helping you pass the NCLEX test. Did I get you excited right there? I surely did, right? Well, I am going to share with you something that can increase your chances of passing the NCLEX exam.
The NCLEX exam is usually given using Computer Adaptive Testing or CAT. This puts more weight on how you analyze various scenarios and on critical thinking rather than your knowledge on theories and concepts. So what does this mean? This only means that I can show you how to pass the NCLEX exam using an effective technique!
You must now really be wondering what technique I am pertaining to. Well, let us cut on the chase, shall we? The technique which you can use when you take the NCLEX exam is known as the 3-step "narrow down" technique. Other people would call this the "elimination method" or simply "elimination". Whatever you want to call this technique, it sure is an effective one!
It is understandable for you to feel stressed when taking the NCLEX exam. Fortunately for you, knowing the 3-step "narrow down" technique can help you manage your stressful moments during the test. I can assure you that you will feel more relaxed knowing that you have an effective technique to help you in answering the difficult NCLEX questions.
Here are the 3 basic and most important things on how to master the 3-step "narrow down" technique:
1. Answer first without taking a peek at the choices. If you look at the choices before answering, this can affect the way you use the 3-step narrow down technique. Instead, try answering without looking at the choices. Look at the choices only after you have made a selection. Compare your answer to the given choices of answers. This is a great way to avoid getting confused with closely related choices.
2. Take note of certain cues which can pinpoint the correct choice. If you encounter a question with choices that are radically opposite or ones that pertain to the same thing, watch out! These are cues which you can take advantage of. Choices with the words "always", "never", "all" and "none" are key word indicators. These can help you narrow down your choices by eliminating those with similar or opposite meanings.
3. Check for more than one correct choices. There are times that more than one answer is correct for a particular NCLEX question. Similarly, there are times that none of the answers is correct Look for the choices "all of the above" or "none of the above" to help you resort to this third step.
Remember these 3 important steps of the "narrow down" technique to help you pass the NCLEX exam.
Discover more of the best NCLEX Review Material. Get more information on NCLEX RN test prep resources today.
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